Hey guys I'm back!! So last chapter had the most comments so far!!!*claps* To celebrate this achievement I have posted two chapters this time just to say thanks for reading my fic. Don't worry both chapters are long. You guys comments really motivate me because sometimes I just refuse to deal with blogger lol. But enough of all this talk yall are here for one reason so... Enjoy :)
Drake made it home around 11:53 that night. He tried to sleep on the flight but his mind was just all over the place. He unlocked the door and placed his bags on the floor. Lisa was in the living room watching TV and Scarlett was soundly sleeping in her room. She looked back to see Drake standing there with a tired look.
"Hey Mr. Graham, it's good to see you back. How's the flight?" she asked standing up.
"It was fine" he lied.
"I'm sorry" He apologized trying to pick it up but he forgot that he was in only a towel.
"No it's fine, I'll pick it up" she said kneeling down on the floor. He placed his suitcase on the floor beside him and held the towel with one hand and bent down to help her. Once all the clothes were in the basket he helped her up.
"Thank you" she said tucking her hair behind her ear.
"No problem" he said letting her arm go. She hurried down the hall to her room. He picked up his bag and continued to his room. 'Well that was Awkward' he thought. Once he got dressed, he got in bed and decided to call Nicki.
"Hey babe"
"Hey so you finally settled?" she asked.
"Yeah pretty much"
"How's the flight?"
"Could've been better" he sighed.
"What happen?"
"I just couldn't sleep. I was too excited to get to Scarlett"
"Aww, I know you miss her a lot"
"Yeah I do"
"Maybe you should just take her with you on the road sometimes" she suggested.
"I thought about that on the way here actually"
"That's probably be best for the both of you but then again it might be challenging"
"I know, you know we be around niggas that smoke and use bad language and I don't want her around all
of that, it's a bad influence on her"
"Yeah you right, I agree with you on that one"
"That's why I didn't take her in the first place but maybe I'll think of something soon, I hope. I feel like I'm going to miss a lot of things, she's only this age for so long"
"You right baby, I'm sure you'll figure out something though." He heard her fidgeting with something in the background.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm trying to wash"
"Oh" he said remembering the incident that just took place a few minutes ago with Lisa.
"Oh? What's with the tone?" she asked.
"It's nothing really"
"Drake what happened?"
"Me and Lisa just had a weird moment that's all"
"What type of WEIRD moment" she asked putting emphasis on the word weird.
"I just went downstairs to go get my bags and on the way up I bumped into her knocking a basket full of
clothes out her hand."
"That's it" she sucked her teeth.
"Nic I was half naked"
"WHAT the HELL you doing half naked Drake"
"I just came out the shower and had to get something from my bag so I just wrapped a towel around my waist and went downstairs"
"Drake don't make me hurt you. I already don't like the fact that she's there 24/7."
"I know. You just have to trust me Nic, I love you to much to even think of hurting you"
"Enough of her let's talk about you"
"What about me?"
"Last night with you felt so right and to be honest that was one of the best sleep I had in a long time."
"You did huh? Well I guess I'll be sleeping over a lot"
"No doubt. You have to come to LA soon babe"
"It's already in the works baby"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, I got a couple features to do videos for."
"Yes!! Speaking of features I need you to do something for me"
"And what is that?"
"I want you to remix Best I Ever Had, you know give it that female kick"
"I'm flattered you asked me"
"Who else is there to ask babe?"
"You're right. Sure I'll hop on it right away!"
"I like the way that sounds" he said raising his eyebrows.
"Oh my god Drake your such a freak!"
"You the one said it"
"I didn't mean it like that nasty."
"I was just hoping I guess"
"Mhmm...keep hope alive" she said chuckling.
"Oh trust me I will. My hopes come to reality"
"Oh so you cocky now?"
"You damn right"
"I like that" she said walking back to her bedroom.
"You do huh?"
"Mhmm" Nicki was getting sleepy. She got in her bed and slipped under the covers. They were both silent for awhile. Neither of them wanted to hang up nor end the conversation. Drake's eyes were slowly closing.
"Babe?" she called.
"Goodnight and sweet dreams" He didn't respond. She heard light snores coming from the other end. She hung up the phone. 'My babe was tired' she said to herself. Nicki curled up and drifted off to sleep 3 minutes later.
The next morning Drake woke up early. He wanted to see the look on Scarlett's face when he wake her up. He yawned and went to the bathroom to relieve himself, wash his hands and brush his teeth. When he was finished, he made his way to her room and peeled back the curtains to let sunlight in. She still was sleeping peacefully in the same form she was in last night. He bent down and called her by her name.
"Scarlett" he cooed. She rolled to the other side still not waking up, he chuckled. He tried calling her again, this time she put her hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes still laying down in her bed. She opened her eyes and they grew wide as she saw who was beside her bed. Drake looked at her facial expression and smiled.
"Good morning princess" he said smiling even wider.
"Daddy!" she exclaimed getting up and wrapping her arms around him. He picked her up and gave her a
bear hug.
"Did you sleep good?" he asked holding her close to his chest. She nodded her head.
"I miss you princess, give daddy a kiss" She stuck her lips out and he kissed her. Today he was going to spend every minute with Scarlett. He missed her so much and he wanted to spend the whole day doing stuff she liked.
"How about we go get some breakfast?" he asked.
"Yes" she said smiling.
Drake went downstairs and fixed them some oatmeal. Lisa came downstairs while they were still eating.
"Well it looks like someones very happy to see daddy" she stated walking over to them.
"Yeah, my daddy herew" Scarlett said with the biggest smile on her face.
"I see, you missed him huh?" she asked knowing the answer. Scarlett shook her head yes while putting a spoon full in her mouth. Drake looked at her.
"Hey" she replied.
"Listen I want to apologize again for last night, I normally don't walk around the house like that. I hope I
didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything, did I?"
"No you didn't. It's fine. It's your house, you can do as you please."
"Naw I really don't especially since Scarlett was born."
"I understand, and apology accepted even though one wasn't needed." She smiled at him and took a sip of
orange juice. Drake finished up his food and wiped Scarlett's hands and mouth. He took their bowls to the sink to wash.
"No I got it" she said.
"Are you sure, cause I can do it?"
"Yes I'm sure now go spend time with Scarlett" she shooed him away. Drake put some of her toys out for her to play with. Scarlett picked up Pooh, Tigger and Piglet and took them over to her table set with matching chairs. She sat each of them in a chair.
"Daddy I play tea pwarty" she said getting her tea set.
"I see baby, who do you have over for tea?" he asked her. She poured some tea in everyone's cup.
"I don't know" she shrugged.
"Yes, you do silly!" He said walking over to her. He picked up Tigger and asked
"Who is this?" She put her hand up to her face and tapped her chin thinking. Drake saw frustration in her face so he helped her out by saying "Tiggggg"
"Tigwar" she said taking the stuffed animal from him. Drake picked up pooh next.
"Who's this?" he asked again.
"Dats pooh daddy" she answered. He reached over the table to grab piglet.
"Now I know you know-"
"Piglet" she shouted cutting him off.
"That's my girl." "What sound does Tigger make?" he pointed.
Scarlett growled at him with her fingers as make-shift claws.
"That's right" he smiled and got down on all fours and growled back at her. She dropped Tigger and screamed. She ran around the living room trying to get away. Drake followed her still on the floor pretending to be a tiger. He growled a couple times and Scarlett kept screaming and running. He cut around the coffee table and grabbed her; she let out a high-pitched scream.
"Daddy don't eat me" she pleaded. Drake pinned her to the floor and she screamed again.
"To late princess, daddy a tiger" he said with a weird facial expression.
"Nooo daddy" she shook her head giggling. He launched an all out tickle attack on her. Scarlett laughed so much her face started turning red. Drake stopped, picked her up and smiled.
"You thought you could get away from daddy huh?" Scarlett had a serious face now.
"Daddy" she said.
"Yes princess"
"I gotta go potty" she said doing a little dance. Drake scooped her up in one swift motion and ran to the
bathroom. Once she was done he helped her wash her hands and they went into the kitchen to get a popsicle for using the potty. Lisa came back from the grocery store and was putting all the items away. Drake sat Scarlett in her high chair and gave her the popsicle.
"Have she made any accidents lately?" he asked leaning on the countertop.
"No, she's good at letting you know when she has to go. She even went by herself a couple times" she said putting the last item in the fridge. Drake turned to Scarlett who was devouring that popsicle.
"Your a big girl now?"
"Uhuh...I big girl" she said shaking her head and licking her popsicle.
"I see we're gonna have to go shopping for some big girl stuff"
"Daddy I pfinish" she said holding up the popsicle stick. Scarlett had it all over her clothes and her mouth and hands were so sticky. Drake looked at her and shook his head.
"Come on lets get you cleaned up" he said taking her out the highchair.
"Lisa I'm going to need you to help me shop today so get ready we're leaving in about an hour."
"No problem Mr. Graham" she said cleaning her highchair.
Drake took Scarlett upstairs and gave her a bath. When he was done, he wrapped her in her towel and carried her in the room. He dried her off and slipped a pull-up on her and lotioned her up. He went into her closet and picked out a multi-colored dress for her to wear. He grabbed some pink sandles and started dressing her. When he was done he tied her hair into a ponytail and walked over to her jewelry box. He took out a gold bracelet that had pink flowers on it and some gold earrings to match.
"Ok, there you go baby" he said fastening the last earring in. "Now give me a spin" he said backing up. Scarlett gave him a quick twirl.
"You look beautiful baby girl"
"I cute daddy?" she said fiddling with her dress
"Yes you are princess" he replied. Drake took her downstairs and sat her on the couch to watch TV while he went upstairs to go change. A couple minutes later Drake came downstairs with some True Religion jeans and a tshirt. Lisa was now sitting next to Scarlett ready to go.
"You ready?" he asked her.
"Yeah" she replied.
"Let's go" He said picking up Scarlett. They were out the door.
*At the mall*
Drake pulled up to the mall and got Scarlett out of her car seat. He hoped no one would spot him while he was shopping. First they went to Saks Fifth Avenue and got him a couple shirts and pants. Lisa tried on a few outfits and Drake bought them for her. He didn't want her to feel left out of the shopping experience. Next they hit up Nordstrom and got Scarlett some cute sundresses. Everyone was getting hungry so they stopped by the food court and got some thing to eat. After they were finished Drake went to Neiman Marcus and got Scarlett some more clothes. She had on some pink sunglasses that she just refused to take off.
"Look daddy!." she stated.
"I see" he said looking at her. "Do you want those?" he asked. Scarlett nodded her head in agreement. He laughed.
"Ok daddy will by them Ok, my baby can have whatever she wants"
"Otay" she said jumping up and down.
"Now I have no clue about choosing underwear for a two year old. I need your help with this one."
"Ok, I'll help." Lisa laughed. They picked up some more stuff for Scarlett and payed for it, then left. Drake
was tired now. They started leaving and he noticed that no one really spotted him except for one cashier who couldn't stop staring at him and Scarlett. A women in her early twenty's saw him at the corner of her eye while they were exiting the mall.
"Hey is that Drake?" she asked loudly before you know it they were surrounded with people. They took pictures of them and started asking questions.
"Is this your daughter?" "Why you never mentioned her?" "Is this her mom?" "Is she your girlfriend?"
Drake got defensive. He didn't like people meddling in his private affairs.
"Yo get away from my car!" He strapped Scarlett in her seat and closed the door. He loaded the bags in the trunk, hopped in and sped off. He was beyond annoyed.
When they got home he grabbed the bags out the trunk and took them upstairs. Lisa unbuckled Scarlett and took her in the house. It was getting a little late so he gave Scarlett another bath. Lisa went to her room.
"Noo daddy I don't want dat. I want those" she said pointing to her new underwear.
"No baby you can't wear those right now." Scarlett started whinning. Drake wanted her to sleep in her pull-
up at night until she got the hang of getting up to use the bathroom at night.
"Ok how about I put on your pull-up then I'll put one over it Ok"
"Otay" she said. Drake did exactly that. She looked down at her new panties and stared at them. He put
one her Disney princess pajamas.
"How about we go Skype Nana?"
"Yeah, Nana" he said picking her up. He grabbed his laptop and went downstairs in the living room and opened it. He text his mom to tell her sign in. A few minutes later she popped up.
"Hey ma"
"Hey Aubrey. How's it going?"
"Pretty good so far"
"That's good. How's my grand baby?" she asked.
"She's right here hold on" "Scarlett somebody wants to see you" She walked over to Drake and he sat her on his lap.
"Say hi to Nana"
"Hi Nana" she waved.
"Hi Nana's baby. Are you being good for daddy?" she shook her head yes.
"Your getting big, I can't wait to see you again."
"She's a big girl now. Show Nana what you got today!" Scarlett lifted her shirt and pulled her pants down a little.
"Nana look, I big girl" she said pointing to her panties. Mama Sandi gasped.
"Oh you really are a big girl."
"Yup" she said running to her toys. Drake chuckled.
"I see you have your hands full"
"I do indeed"
"Your handling it well, I'm proud of you"
"Thanks ma. I'm going to go put Scarlett to bed and get some rest."
"Go ahead baby, I'll talk to you later."
"Bye ma."
Drake signed out and walked to the other side of the living room Scarlett was passed out on her over-sized teddy bear." He smiled and put her to bed.
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(Her outfit & jewelry) |
Awww Scarlet is a big girl ^_^
ReplyDeleteShe's so cute! I still don't like Lisa.
Can't wait for Nic to come out there & meet the liddo one. Great chapter :)
I'm so glad u posted :)
ReplyDeleteI love Drake's and Scaelett's relationship...soo adorable, he loves his baby.
Dricki be soo corny and cute, Love them. I cant wait for Nicki to meet Scarlett.
Nicki getting jealous over a Nany doe, lmoa she knows better.
Great Chapter :*
Ohmygosh, totally random but I wrote a song in 6th grade called "Home is where the heart is," Lol :). Anyway, Oh that was awkward :O. Drake is so freaking AMAZING!!! Love em. CTFU Drake is a FREAK! I swear. Well what can I say? He's a Libra! #TeamOvo. Awww the mall! I know that was freaking fun and awesome for her. Those outfits are beyond dope! That freaking bracelet is a MUST have, like ohemgee! Dead serious lol :D. Drake was looking fly too; I see you Drizzy! Lol. Wonderful chapter Love :). Mwuahh!