*Next Day*
Drake went outside to get some fresh air. He looked around and realized that they never really tested out the pool since he moved in. Today was perfect because it was hot. He went back inside.
"Baby come here." he said walking to the stairs. Scarlett walked over to him.
"Yes daddy" she replied. He picked her up.
"You want to go in the pool today with daddy. I think you'll love it." Drake never took her in the pool before so this was a first for her. He carried her upstairs and picked out a bathing suit for her to wear. He choose a red and white one piece for her. He put it on her and went to go change into some swimming trunks. Lisa was still reorganizing Scarlett’s closet. She had been at it all day.
“Hey were going in the pool. You wanna come?”
“Okay we’ll meet you out back” She nodded and went to go change. Drake went into the garage first to find Scarlett’s life jacket he bought a while back. He found it and put it on her.
“Ok, now that’s better, your safe now pumpkin.” They walked onto the patio and Lisa was already in her bikini. Drake looked at her, her body was nice and all but you just couldn’t compare it to Nicki’s. He walked to the shallow side and put Scarlett in just to her knees so she could get comfortable with the water. After a little while she started splashing Drake.
“Is this her first time?” Lisa asked.
“Yeah” he answered.
“You mind if I teach her a little kicking technique?”
“No, I want her to learn so be my guest.” He said holding onto Scarlett. Lisa got in and held Scarlett by the waist. She carried her out not too much, just enough so that she could move her legs freely in the water.
“Scarlett can you kick for me?” she asked her. Scarlett tried to kick but trying to move her tiny legs in water was a challenge. Drake came over to help Lisa. He held Scarlett’s legs and moved them back and forth.
“See baby you have to kick hard” Scarlett tried again and she did it. Drake clapped at her success. She clapped her hands along with him.
“That’s a good start.” Lisa admitted.
“Yeah it is” he responded.
“No problem, I’ll go make some lemonade. Be right back” He nodded and held Scarlett tight to his chest and walked back to the shallow side of the pool. Lisa came back with two ice cold glasses of lemonade and a Sippy cup. She handed Drake a glass and gave the Sippy cup to Scarlett. He took a sip.
“This is good, thanks”
“Your welcome” They stayed in the pool a couple more minutes then got out and freshened up. Scarlett fell asleep right after her bath.
*Later on that day*
Drake had just finished handling some important phone calls when there was knock on the door. He looked at Scarlett playing with her baby doll quietly.
"I wonder who that could be." He asked himself getting up to answer it. Scarlett followed him. He opened it
and was surprised to see who it was in front of him. It was Wayne with his son Lil Tune who was just about the same age as Scarlett.
"Was sup ma man?" Wayne asked dapping him up.
"I don't know you tell me" he said letting them in and closing the door.
"Me and my son were just out chilling when I decided to stop by to see what's up you and check out the
crib." "Yo this is lil Scarlett?"
"Yup that's her" he replied. Wayne only saw pictures of Scarlett but never actually met her in person.
"She's beautiful man, you're gonna have your hands full when she get older." He said bending down to her
"I know" Drake said rubbing his head. Scarlett stared at him.
"Hi baby girl."Wayne greeted her.
"Hi" she stated leaning on Drake with her doll still in her hand. Wayne smiled getting up. Lil Tune didn't say
anything he just held onto his little toy truck. He was a little shy.
"Hi Lil Tune." Drake said making a fist. Lil Tune dapped him."Alllrighttttttt" he said straightening back up. Drake had seen him couple times with Wayne so Lil Tune already knew who he was. "Ok kids go play" Drake instructed. Scarlett took off to her toys. Lil Tune followed her.
"Let's check out the crib." Drake said starting the tour. After he showed Wayne the house they sat and talked a bit in the kitchen.
"You want something to drink?" Drake asked.
"Yeah just give me water."
"Wow this is a first."
"I'm shocked myself, but I have more important things to care about. My kids need me around."
"I feel ya man" he said handing him a bottle of Dasani. He took a sip.
"You know we got a couple projects coming up real soon."
"Yeah what type of projects?"
"Well for starters, Imma need you to write a verse for this song we titled 'Bedrock'. I'll send you the track
when I get back to the studio. I know this is going to be a huge hit!"
"Bedrock? That already sounds like a huge hit and I haven't even heard it yet." They both laughed.
"The next thing after that is the I am music tour."
"We going on tour"
"Yeah I want yall to get the feel of how it is when you go tour that way yall would have experience before headlining yall own tour"
"Ok I get you. The only thing I'm worried about is leaving Scarlett for months."
"Just bring her with you. I'm bringing Lil Tune for the first time."
"Yeah I don't know about all that"
"Look if you’re worried about her being influenced you can always keep her on your bus with the nanny and lay the rules down for the crew I'm sure they'll understand."
"I'll think about it." His phone started ringing and he picked it up. It was Nicki.
"Hey babe" he answered. Wayne was minding his business but when he heard baby he quickly looked up.
"What you doing?"
"Talking to Wayne."
"He's there?"
"Yeah he brought his son with him.”
“How cute, I was calling to remind you to send me the track so I can remix it.”
“Oh I almost forgot about that babe. I’ll send it right away.”
“It’s cool. I’ll talk to you tonight, by then I should be done with it.”
“Ok bye babe, I love you”
“Love you too” They both hung up. Wayne was looking at him.
“So you done snagged you a chick already huh?”
“She’s not just some chick.” He simply stated.
“Then who is she?” Drake really didn’t want to tell him but he was going to find out anyway especially with
them going on tour in a few months. He just decided to tell.
“It’s Nic’ he said.
“Which Nic? Not our Nicki!” Drake shook his head up and down. Wayne was surprised.
“Since when?”
“A couple days ago.”
“Damn you got the baddest chick in the game that fast?”
“What can I say I got it like that.”
“I see you man. She’s a good one though. Yall would be good together”
“Thanks man.”
“No problem.” They both looked at the kids playing together. It seemed like they were having fun.
“Hey let’s make a bet” Wayne stated getting up.
“On what”
“I bet Lil Tune could run game on Scarlett.”
“Bring it nigga. How much you talking?” he said taking out his wallet.
“200 “
“Ok and just so you know, you about to lose”
“We’ll see” “Aye Tune come over here” he called. Lil Tune came running.
“Yes daddy?” Wayne whispered something in his ear and he looked at Scarlett. Drake chuckled.
Tune went back over to Scarlett and grabbed her hand. They both paid close attention to them. Wayne giggled. Tune was leaning in to kiss Scarlett when she hit him over the head with one of her plastic princess plates. Lil Tune went running back to Wayne. Drake tried to hold in his laughter but he couldn’t anymore.
“Daddy she hit me.” He said pointing to Scarlett.
“Nuhuhh……..Daddy he…he want kiss” she said scowling at him.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah…and he”
“What did daddy tell you about kissing?” he asked her softly.
“No kiss” she said shaking her head.
“That’s right. I’m the only boy that gets kiss right?” he asked making sure she knew. She nodded her head.
“Good, now give me kiss” Scarlett gave him smooch then looked at Lil Tune. She turned around and
walked away with the cutest little attitude.
“Try run game on that nigga!” he said confident.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lil Tune let’s go.” He said getting up and giving him the 200.
“Nice doing business with you partner.” He walked them to the door.
“Say by to your uncle Drake and Scarlett.” he coached.
“Bye” he said waving. Scarlett didn’t pay him any mind. They left and Drake closed and locked the door. He went upstairs and put the money in her piggy bank. He grabbed his laptop and sent Nicki the track. Two hours later she sent him it back. He played it.
Ayo you da only one that see the real Nicki
I could show you chill Nicki Cause of how you deal wit me
When dey knock my blocks down you come and you build with me
Even though you real busy
You's da fuckin real Drizzy
It`s so amazing i figured out this world is ours with tha taking
I figured out that when i go out an all those people scream thats some of them are living vicariously for me
That's why i put that "S" on ma chest and I`m gone
But on another note let`s have sex in my dorm
And imma make you beg cause you look pretty when you beggin
So meet me on the campus i`ll be there around 11.
So lemme put my books down
Exscuse me if i look down
Guess imma little nervous
But i`m at your service
Look at what you took down
Baby you my everything you all i ever wanted.
We can do it real big.
Bigger then you ever done it.
You be up on everything.
Other niggas never on it.
I want this forever, i swear i can spend whatever on it.
That`s why i hold you down, everytime you hit me up.
When i get right i promise that we gon live it up.
I make you beg for it until i give it up
You say tha same thing every single time
He picked up the phone and called her.
"Hey babe did you get it yet?"
"Well what you think?"
"I love it"
"You don't sound so happy about it"
"You have no idea how much I wish those lyrics were true" she smiled.
"In due time baby. Oh I got some good news today."
""I'm listening"
"I'm gonna be in LA in two days for a photo shoot."
"Onika don't play like that, getting a brother's hopes up"
"I'm serious, they just called me"
"I hope you know your not leaving LA once you get here"
"And why is that?"
"Cause I'm not letting you leave"
"Haha....very funny Drake"
"I'm serious babe I want you here with me."
"And I want to be there with you too but we can't rush anything right now."
"Damn babe why you always gotta be so right even when I try to deny it?
"I don't know I just am"
"I love that about you though"
"What else you love about me?" she asked seductively.
"I would tell you but I prefer to show you" he said. Nicki's eyes got wide.
"Ok lets get off that topic. How was your day?" she said changing the subject.
"Why was it so relaxing?"
"I took Scarlett in the pool for the first time and Lisa even showed her how to kick with her feet in water."
"Oh, that sounds fun." she said sounding a little disappointed that she wasn't there with him. He noticed the change of tone in her voice.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"It's just that I feel like she's getting closer to you and Scarlett and that's where I wanna be."
"Babe you can't let this stuff get to you. I love you not her and the only person that can get closer to me
besides my daughter is YOU!!"
"Thanks babe that makes me feel better."
"Anytime, that's what I'm here for."
"You so cute"
"You just found that out."
"Shut up" she laughed at his humor.
"Babe I'm gonna see what my princess is up to I'll text you later"
"Ok babe."
"I love you"
"Love you too bighead"
"Just playing babe."
"Oh okay just checking" He hung up and went to go see where Scarlett was. She was up in her room
playing with her dollhouse.
"There you are." he said opening her room door.
"Hi daddy, I play house"
"Can I play with you?" he asked.
"I got da girl, you take the boy daddy" she said handing it to him.
"Okay" he said. Scarlett started playing and Drake followed along with her. She stopped and stared at the 'mommy' doll. Drake took notice. She looked at the the pictures of the 'characters' that came with the house and saw the Daddy & the Mommy standing next to each other with the little girl. She all of sudden didn't want to play and more.
"I don wanna play no more" she said getting up off the floor. Drake was heart broken. He picked her up and just held her. Even though she was only two and a half she knew there was a difference between that picture in the dollhouse and her life and she finally put the pieces together that day.
*I have no idea when the next post will be soo..... yeah. Hit me up on here or on twitter and tell me what you think of the story so far. I need to know*
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(Nanny Lisa) |
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(Drake's trunks) |
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(Scarlett's bathing suit) |
That last part broke my heart. Wow. Great updates! I loved them Nicki and Drake are so cute. I really can feel where Nicki is coming from with this whole nanny thing, not gonna lie. I have a feeling her and the nanny are going to go at it.... SN: Wayne's visit with his soon was epic. Wayne always humors me. Great job, hun. -@ItsLoveDear
ReplyDeleteWow she is smart.
ReplyDeleteAww pooh :'(
Hopefully Nic can change that a lil. Her & Drake's phone convo as cute!
LOL @ Lil Tune getting played..that's right Scarlet no kissing boys.
Loved this chapter! But I'm ready for Nic to come to Cali already! lol Update soon barb :)
Scarlett us very smart.
ReplyDeleteWayne in the House Babae...Yeah! and His soon too...too cute.
I get how Nicki feels doe, cant wait till they reunite <3
I wish every Dad out there had the same relationship that Drake has with his Daughter.
Love the chapter, looking forward to ur next post babe :)
That last part brought tears to my eyes! Scarlett is so smart! Don't worry boo you'll get a mommy!
ReplyDeleteI love the way the story is starting out. You definitely need to post soon! Cute chap!
ReplyDeleteUM..U NEED 2 POST seriously .... ((:
ReplyDeleteYour Fic is great, the storys time line and everything is on point ! (:
ReplyDeletethis last part got me emotional though, little scarlett not having a mom /: and honestly if Drake does have kids, I can see him being this loving towards his kids <3