Now I have to warn you that this chapter is very, very, very loooooooong! I had to make sure this chapter was perfect. You guys it took me forever to come up with this chapter, but I had the most fun writing this though^_^ you’ll figure out why soon, so without further adieu, it’s all yours…Enjoy :)
It was the morning of Scarlett’s birthday party and Drake was really excited. He couldn’t believe that his baby was three already. She was growing up right before his eyes. It just seemed like yesterday she came into the world lost and completely fragile. He thought about her mother and how she would’ve loved to see her now. A very opinionated, somewhat independent, smart and happy little girl. He got up and got dressed for the day before he woke her up from her slumber.
Once he was done, he made his way to her bedroom and cracked the door open. She was still sleeping peacefully in her bed. The night before, he laid out three new outfits for the day along with shoes for each of them. His mom was flying in from Toronto in a couple hours so he had to get a move on because he wanted to take Scarlett out to breakfast. He walked over to her bed and picked her up. She stirred but didn’t wake up. He went to her bathroom and ran the water in the tub making sure it was set at the perfect temperature.
He began taking off her pajamas and soon she was left in only her undies. She started getting cold and began to rub her eyes gradually opening them. Drake sat on the side of the tub and stared at her while she began waking up. He smiled once her eyes opened and but they closed immediately after. She was obviously still tired but he had no time to waste. He had to get her up.
“Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Scarlett, Happy birthday to you” he sang. She opened her eyes, smiled and closed them again. Drake started kissing her all over her face. “I’m sorry princess but you have to wake up, today’s your big day” he said nudging her a bit. Scarlett stretched and yawned.
“Daddy” she whined as if he was annoying her. When she finally was fully awake Drake gave her a bath and brushed her teeth. He wrapped her in a towel and carried her to her room. Once he dried her off he dressed her in her first outfit which was some black jeans with a hot pink polo shirt that read ‘SCARLETT’ in bold turquoise letters with number 3 under it on the back and Lebron shoes to match. He put her hair into a pony tail and put earrings in her ear. He loaded everything into the car and strapped Scarlett in her car seat. After they were done he left the house.
He pulled up to IHOP a few minutes later and they ate breakfast just the two of them. Drake looked at his watch and saw that it was 9:10am. His mother would be arriving any minute and they had to get to the airport. He paid for his food, gave a tip and left. They reached the airport terminal just as Sandi was making her way outside with her carry-on in tow.
“Nana!” Scarlett yelled. Sandi sat her bags down and took her from her son.
“Happy birthday nana’s baby!” she said hugging her tightly.”Don’t you look cute” she stated simply.
Drake took his mother’s belongings and they both walked to the car having small conversation. They drove all the way to Disneyland. They had the whole park to themselves for the day and a FairyTale Suite set up just for Scarlett’s special day.
“Hello Mr. Graham” the park manager greeted.
“Hey what’s up” he said shaking the managers hand through the car window.
“Here’s the key to the FairyTale Suite and the itinerary for the day” the manager said handing him the brochure booklet.
“Thank you, did you guys get the finalized guest list I sent. I want this to go as smoothly as possible”
“Don’t worry sir I assure you that we do have it and we’ll do our best to accommodate all your wishes”
“Thank you” he said driving into the entrance. Drake parked the car and looked to his mom.
“Mom, I need you to go open the suite and take Scarlett with you, a stylist is coming to do her hair in a few minutes. The guest won’t be arriving until 12:30 so don’t dress her until the last minute. I don’t want her to ruin her outfit. I’ll be wandering around the park making sure everything is in order. Call me if you need anything”
“Ok baby” she said scooping Scarlett up from out of her car seat. Drake walked around to them and kissed both of their foreheads. “Have fun you two” he said.
“Bye Daddy” Scarlett said waving.
“Bye princess, be good for nana” he said leaving.
Drake made his way around the park to find that all the plans were being put into effect.
It was now 10:45 and Drake was in the chef’s kitchen to make sure that the cake was exactly how he wanted it to be. The cake was three tiers with the Disney castle on top with all the princesses around it. He loved the detail that was put into every princess. It almost looked real.
“This is what I’m talking about!” he said shaking heads with the baker and designer of the cake.
“We’re so happy you like it”
“Yes, she’s going to flip when she sees this” he said admiring it again. “Great job you guys” he said.
“Thank you” they replied. Drake turned away and went to check his phone. He had a missed call from Nicki. He immediately called her back and she picked up on the second ring.
“Hey I just was checking to make sure the cake was done right when I missed your call” he explained.
“I figured something on the lines of that”
“Are you here yet?”
“Yeah we just came through the entrance”
“Come and meet me by the souvenir shop, I need your help with something"
“Sure I’ll be there soon”
“Ok see you then”
“Ok bye”
“Bye” he said hanging up. He stood by the souvenir shop and waited for her to show up. A few minutes later she appeared in some colorful leggings with a graphic tee and sandals. She looked the same as before, she was still beautiful to him. She walked up and hugged him. He inhaled her scent and she inhaled his.
“It’s the big day” she said looking up at him.
“Yeah it is” he replied. “You look amazing”
“Thank you, you’re not too bad yourself” she said
smiling and exposing her left dimple. Drake chuckled.
“Thanks” he said.
“So what else is there to do?”
“Nothing really I just want you to do something for me”
“And what is that, might I ask”
“I want you to meet my mom”
“Drake is this necessary?” she asked.
“No, but I would still like you to meet her”
“Ok its fine by me…I guess”
“Nicki don’t act like you don’t miss me”
“I don’t actually but I do miss Scarlett” she said lying.
“Ouch…that hurt”
“Yeah they say the truth hurts sometimes”
“Ok…I see you” he laughed.
“Oh, the girls are wandering around the park until everyone gets here. Is that OK?”
“That’s fine”
“Is Erica here?” she asked seriously. Drake shook his head.
“No” he replied.
“Why is she not here?"
“She had a gig to go to so she couldn’t make it” he informed.
“Oh, well that’s inconvenient for you, huh?” she asked.
“Nicki, please don’t bring this up…not today” he said grabbing her hand.
“You’re right. It’s Scarlett’s birthday. I’m sorry”
“Thank you”
“I’m so excited to see her in the outfits we picked out!”
“I know! She’s so excited already. Let’s go meet up with them” he said smiling.
“Sure” Drake took Nicki’s hand and they both walked back to the FairyTale suite.
It was now 12:04 and Scarlett already had her hair done but her outfit wasn’t on yet. Sandi was on the phone with Drake’s dad who was driving all the way from Tennessee. As soon as Nicki saw Scarlett with her new hairdo her heart melted. She was so cute.
“Nicki!” she said getting up and running to them. Nicki picked her up and held her.
“Happy birthday ladybug” she cooed. “How old are you today?” she asked. Scarlett held up three fingers. Nicki gasped. “You’re three?” she asked.
“Uh…huh” she said shaking her head.
“Wow you’re getting bigger and older” she stated putting her down.
“Daddy look!” she said showing him her, her basket of Disney merchandise that was inside the suite when they walked in.
“Let’s see what you have here” he said looking through the stuff. Drake examined the basket as Nicki looked on. “You have…a tiara, stickers, a book, a pen and…”
“Candy!” she yelled. Nicki and Drake laughed at her eagerness. Drake took out a pink Minnie Mouse and Scarlett took it from him.
“Daddy dats for girls” she said holding the plush toy. Nicki busted out laughing.
“I know that, Daddy was just looking at it” he said. Drake looked back at Nicki and shook his head. By then Drake’s mom was off the phone.
“Who’s this pretty lady, Aubrey?” she asked walking over to them.
“Ma, this is Nicki. Nicki this is my mother Sandi” he said introducing them.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you” Nicki said shaking her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too. Aubrey talks about you all the time.” She stated.
‘Ma!” he exclaimed.
“Oh he does?” Nicki asked raising an eyebrow up at Drake and smiling.
“She’s just exaggerating, forgive her” he countered.
“Aubrey don’t be ashamed. She’s beautiful”
“Thank you” Nicki said blushing.
“I’m going to go meet your father, Aubrey. Is everything set up yet?” she asked grabbing her purse.
“Yeah, everything is set up. I just have to get Scarlett dressed….everyone should be arriving any minute”
“Ok, I’ll be back soon” she said closing the door. Nicki stared at Drake.
“What?” She shook her head.
“Your mom is a sweetheart” Nicki said sitting on the couch.
“I know. I don’t know what I’d do without her” Drake’s phone started ringing. He took it out of his pocket and answered it.
“Aubrey…baby we’re here” It was Scarlett’s maternal grandmother.
“Hey Mrs. Williams, we’re in the hotel in the back. I’ll come out and meet you guys”
“Ok baby” she said. Drake hung up and walked back to Nicki.
“Can you get her dressed while I go get her mom’s family?” he asked.
“Umm...sure. That’s no problem.” She said a little apprehensive.
“Thank you” he said handing her the outfit and shoes. Drake picked up Scarlett.
“Daddy’s going to go get grandma and aunty” he said to her.
“Gram-ma and T” She asked.
“Yes grandma and T” He confirmed smiling. “Nicki’s going to put on your clothes ok” he said. Scarlett shook her head. “Now give me kiss” he said poking his lips out. Scarlett gave him a quick smooch. Drake placed her on her two feet. “I’ll be right back” he said leaving out the door.
Nicki looked at Scarlett who was playing with her hands.
“Come on ladybug, let’s get you dressed” she said getting up and taking her to the room. She laid the clothes on the bed and picked up Scarlett. Sandi gave her a bath before the stylist did her hair so all Nicki had to do was take off her little robe and dress her in her Minnie Mouse tank top with the ruffled skirt to match. Nicki was careful while putting on her top so she wouldn’t mess up her hair. Once her clothes were on, she slipped on her flats which were black. Just then her phone started buzzing. She quickly grabbed it and answered.
“Hey Nic, I’m here your mom, Ciah, and nieces. Where do want me to put your gifts?” Safaree asked.
“I think everyone’s gifts are going to the castle, look on the itinerary it’ll show you” she stated.
“Ok, I see it now”
“Tell my mom I’ll meet up with them shortly”
“Has the young money fam arrived yet?”
“Yeah they’re right behind me. This place is going to be turned upside down” he laughed.
“You’re a fool Safaree”
“Yo, I’m serious; they just don’t know what they’re in for. I feel sorry for the clean-up crew”
“I think you’re right but they’re used to stuff like this”
“I know I am. People are piling into this place like crazy man”
“Well thanks for the update” She sighed.
“No problem” With that he hung up. Drake came back with Scarlett maternal grandmother and aunty just as she was hanging up.
“Baby come and see who’s here to see you” he yelled. Scarlett ran to her father.
“OMG…Aubrey. Come to grandma baby” Ms. Williams instructed. Scarlett walked over slowly. Ms. Williams picked her up and held her tight. Her eyes began to fill with tears but she quickly wiped them away trying not to upset Scarlett. She deep sighed. She kissed her forehead and gave her a big squeeze. Nicki came into view feeling awkward. Drake took a look back at her facial expression.
“Ms. Williams I’d like you to meet Nicki.” he said introducing everyone.
“Hello my dear” she said smiling.
“Hi, everyone” she said waving. The moment got a little awkward. Drake could tell that Nicki was uncomfortable. “I’m sorry to intrude. I’ll just be leaving. It’s really nice to meet you guys” she said getting her purse and walking to the door. Drake followed her outside.
“I’m sorry about that. I know that was a little weird” he said genuinely.
“Yeah it was but I’m fine”
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’ll just go catch up with the girls.”
“Ok” he replied. Drake watched as she left down the hall and disappeared. He walked back into the suite and closed the door.
Nicki caught up with Safaree and the rest of the crew. They were sitting by Clarabelle’s eating frozen yogurt.
“Hey guys” she said nearing them. Imani and Kellise ran to Nicki.
“Hi aunty” they said in unision.
“Hey my babies" she said hugging all of them. "You guys want to get on some rides?" she asked. They both shook their heads.
"Ok come on let's go" she said leading them over to the Dumbo ride. While walking there they met up with Drake and the rest of the young money crew.
"What's up ma man?" Wayne said dapping him.
"Just ready to get things started" Wayne bent down to Scarlett.
"Hello birthday girl are you excited?" He asked. Scarlett shook her head. He smiled and straightened back up. Wayne bought Reginae and Lil Tune with him.
"I see you got your hands full" Drake said pointing to them.
"Yup, you know I had to bring NaeNae too." Drake shook his head.
"I feel you man" Scarlett and Lil Tune were holding hands waiting to get on the ride.
"I see these two gettin' close" Wayne stated. Drake looked at them then grabbed Scarlett's hand.
"Uh-uh, they ain't getting too close" he said laughing. Lil Tune gave Drake a mean look.
"Come, Tune hold daddy hand" he said holding out his hand. Reginae was talking with Chuckie and Lil Twist. Drake pointed behind him.
"Uh-uh, Nae you come hold my hand too" he said looking at her. Drake laughed.
"I guess that makes too of us" Wayne laughed as Reginae came over and stood next to him.
Nicki had Imani and Kellise with her. Wayne had Reginae and Lil Tune and Drake had Scarlett. They all got on the ride. The kids were already having fun.
When they got off all of them went over to the teacups, then goofy's playhouse, Buzz light year Astro blaster then Autopia, Alice and Wonderland, Chip n' Dale's Tree house, Gadget's go coaster, Ariel's Undersea Adventure, It's a small world, and Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage where the kids awed at the fishes undersea.
Eventually everyone was split up and Drake, Wayne, Scarlett and Lil Tune took a ride on the Disneyland Railroad because the kids were tired of walking. After they got off Scarlett had to use the restroom so Wayne and tuned followed them. Drake was a little embarrassed that he had to go inside the women's restroom but no one was at the park except for his crew so he brushed it off.
After they came from the restroom Drake and Wayne took Scarlett and tune to get some ice cream and meet some of the Disney Princesses and other characters. After they were done meeting the princesses Mickey and Minnie appeared at the end of the trail. Scarlett ran up to Minnie mouse.
"Daddy look at Minnie Mouse" she said excited.
"I see. You look like Minnie too, huh?" Scarlett shook her head.
"Hello Minnie mouse" she said waving.
"Oh my goosh, Mickey it's a little me" she said looking at Mickey.
"It sure is" he said playing.
"We can be twins" Minnie suggested. Scarlett shook her head. "Are you having fun?" she asked.
"Yes!" Scarlett yelled. Drake and Wayne laughed. Lil Tune looked at Mickey.
"Hello there, little man. Are you having fun too?" he asked Lil Tune shook his head. "Give me five!" he said holding out his hand. Lil Tune fived him. They each took pictures with Mickey and Minnie then they left to go on the Peter Pan ride.
Scarlett and Tune sat next to their dads as the ride began. It got dark and Scarlett got scared. She clung to Drake.
"Daddy look at Minnie Mouse" she said excited.
"I see. You look like Minnie too, huh?" Scarlett shook her head.
"Hello Minnie mouse" she said waving.
"Oh my goosh, Mickey it's a little me" she said looking at Mickey.
"It sure is" he said playing.
"We can be twins" Minnie suggested. Scarlett shook her head. "Are you having fun?" she asked.
"Yes!" Scarlett yelled. Drake and Wayne laughed. Lil Tune looked at Mickey.
"Hello there, little man. Are you having fun too?" he asked Lil Tune shook his head. "Give me five!" he said holding out his hand. Lil Tune fived him. They each took pictures with Mickey and Minnie then they left to go on the Peter Pan ride.
Scarlett and Tune sat next to their dads as the ride began. It got dark and Scarlett got scared. She clung to Drake.
“Baby look at Peter Pan” Drake said trying to show Scarlett.
“I don’t wanna see Peter Pan!” she cried holding onto him. Drake shook his head.
The ride ended and Scarlett couldn’t wait to get off. She was pulling Drake faster away from the ride. Wayne laughed.
“Shawty scared of heights!” he said walking behind them with Lil Tune.
“I know, remind me to never again go on that ride!”
“I got you man” Wayne said chuckling.
“Daddy I hungry” Lil Tune said yanking at his pant leg. Drake looked back.
“Yeah, I’m getting hungry too. Let’s go grab something to eat real quick” he said picking Scarlett up.
They walked to Big Ranch Thunder Barbecue and ordered some barbecue chicken, Cole slaw and beans. Drake and Wayne fed Scarlett and Lil Tune off of their plates because they knew that they probably wouldn’t eat a whole plate by themselves.
After they ate they caught up with momma Carol, Imani, Kellise, Sandi, Ms. Williams, and Denis. They were sitting down relaxing and talking amongst themselves.
“Nana!” Scarlett yelled running to both of them.
Momma Sandi picked her up and placed her on her lap. “Hey baby, you having fun?” she asked. Scarlett shook her head. Drake, Wayne and Lil Tune walked up to them a few seconds later.
“Hey guys. Why are y’all sitting down?” Drake asked.
“Well son, it’s hot for one and we’re old” Wayne started laughing. “Where are you guys coming from?”
“We just went to get something to eat” he informed.
“Oh ok” Scarlett reached for Ms. Williams and she took her from Sandi. She rested her head on her chest. “The kids look like they’re tired, why you guys don’t leave them with us and go have some fun” she suggested.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that” Wayne said politely.
“It’s no problem, really. Here let me get him” she said taking Lil Tune. He surprisingly didn’t give a hassle. “Go enjoy yourselves. Well be right here when you get back.”
“Thank you” they both said walking away. Drake and Wayne caught up with the rest of the crew after walking around for twenty minutes.
“Hey, did you guys get on any rides yet?” Wayne asked.
“Yeah, we just came off of Space mountain” Tyga informed them.
“Where’s the kids?” Nicki asked.
“They’re with my mom and your mom”
“Oh ok”
“Are we going on Space Mountain again?” Safaree asked.
“Hell yeah!” Everyone except Wayne and Drake said.
“Y’all have to see this ride” Candi said walking towards it. They all coupled up and got on the ride together.
“Did you guys eat?” Lauren asked. Wayne and Drake shook their head.
“Did y’all?” Wayne asked.
“Yeah” she replied.
A few minutes later the ride started and Nicki grabbed Drake’s hand closing her eyes. He pulled her close and shook his head.
“Let’s go to Splash Mountain” Safaree said pointing to the ride. Nicki and Candi both shot him a glare.
“Nigga you must be out your mutha-lovin mind if you think we’re getting on that! I’m black, you know us females don’t like getting our hair wet!” Safaree, Drake, Wayne, Forty and Tyga looked at each other.
“That’s exactly why I brought my shower cap” Tyesha said looking into her purse. Nicki, Lauren, and Candi looked at her as she pulled out four shower caps.
“Girl, you’re joking right?” Nicki asked.
“Nope, not at all” she said handing them one each. They each took it and looked at it for a moment. The guys were trying their best not to laugh. “What y’all waiting on?”
“Ok, just put the damn cap on and let’s go!” Wayne said walking toward the ride.
“This is embarrassing” Lauren said putting on hers.
“You mean ratchet” Candi said putting on hers.
“Yo, hurry up. Y’all said you don’t want your hair wet so what’s the problem?” Safaree asked. Nicki sighed and put hers on too.
“Boy this day just keeps getting funnier and funnier” Drake said walking away.
They all got on the ride and sat. Nicki was next to Drake. Lauren was next to Safaree. Candi was with Tyga and Tyesha was with Wayne and Forty was with his chick.
It was nearing time to open the gifts. Drake took Scarlett back to the suite and cleaned her up. She had cotton candy, ice cream, and barbeque sauce on her outfit. He had ordered all the Disney princess costumes so that she could choose which one she wanted to be while opening her gifts and watching the show which was right after.
“Ok princess, which princess you want to be today?” he asked. Scarlett put her hand to her chin and pondered for awhile. Six minutes later she pointed at the princess Belle costume.
“Are you sure?” he asked. Scarlett shook her head.
“Ok” he said getting the princess Belle costume and putting it on her. Once he was done he went over to the dresser and got a huge jewelry box that had a tiara specially made for her and put it on her head.
“There…every princess has to have a tiara” he stated admiring his baby girl. Scarlett smiled and twirled around in her outfit.
“Daddy I princess?” she asked.
“Yes you are. You’re my princess” he assured. “Come on let’s go open your gifts” he said scooping her up and exiting the suite.
They got to the castle and everyone was waiting around. Drake grabbed a mic in one hand and held Scarlett in another. They walked on stage and everyone cheered.
“Sorry to keep you guys waiting but someone had trouble figuring out which princess she wanted to be” he said looking at Scarlett who was nervous. Everyone laughed and awed.
“Thank you guys for coming out and celebrating Scarlett’s third birthday with us” He began. “I couldn’t have done this without the amazing people at Disney and the support of all of our family and friends. So thank you” he said. The crowd clapped. “Now time to open those gifts” he said putting Scarlett down. She held onto his leg tightly.
“The first gift is from me of course” he said smiling. The attendants brought out a white baby grand piano. Scarlett’s eyes shot open and she ran to it.
“Daddy my piano?” she asked honking the playing with the keys.
“Yes, that’s your piano princess” he agreed. “The next gift is from my mom and dad, and I told them not to buy it but of course they didn’t listen to me” he said shooting them a glare. A life-size specially made dollhouse came into view. Scarlett hopped of the piano and dashed towards her gift.
“Daddy my house!” she said pointing. Scarlett ran up to it and took two boxes from inside and opened it to find a silver Tiffany & CO. earring and bracelet set.
“I see princess. See she doesn’t even like my gift anymore” he said sounding hurt. Everyone laughed at his humor. "Ok who is this from?" he asked the attendants.
"Nicki" one said pushing a pink Cadillac barbie jeep with four doors and her name on the license plate.There were also two purses inside of it.
"My car!" she yelled jumping up and down. Everyone laughed. The attendants brought out boxes of wrapped gifts and placed them on stage.
"Nicki" one said pushing a pink Cadillac barbie jeep with four doors and her name on the license plate.There were also two purses inside of it.
"My car!" she yelled jumping up and down. Everyone laughed. The attendants brought out boxes of wrapped gifts and placed them on stage.
Scarlett ran up to them and stared. She looked back to Drake.
“Go ahead princess open them” he coached. She immediately ripped the wrapping off of one but she couldn’t reach the bow to untie it so Drake helped her out. He reached into the box and pulled out an apricot maltipoo puppy and handed it to her. The dog licked her face and she giggled.
“Doggie!” she yelled.
“What are you going to name him?” he asked. Scarlett looked at the dog.
“Simba!” Drake laughed.
“She loves the Lion King so much she named him Simba” he said into the mic. Everyone laughed and awed again. Drake looked on the box to see who it was from. He read the tag attached to the bow. It was from Nicki. He smiled.
By the time that they were done opening gifts the stage was filled. Drake couldn’t believe the amount of gifts he had to take back home with him. He was grateful.
After they cleared the stage the show started and all the kids were sitting in chairs watching the performance. The adults were too but the kids were in awe the whole time. It was getting dark and right after the show they had a dinner and fireworks display for the kids scheduled. Drake sat in the front row off to the side with Scarlett in his lap.
Nicki watched them from afar admiring how good of a dad he really was. She all of a sudden felt guilty for breaking up with him but she couldn’t help but wonder how good of a boyfriend he would be because she didn’t give him a chance. All the feelings that she thought had subsided came rushing back all at once. The show ended and everyone made their way to the indoor buffet. Everyone sat at the elongated table with Drake at the top with Scarlett in his lap.
.They arrived back at Drake’s house 45 minutes later. The men loaded all the gifts into his garage.
After awhile the cake decorator brought out the cake and everyone
began singing happy birthday to Scarlett. Drake lifted her into the air so that
she could blow out the candles.
When everyone was finished eating, it was time for the fireworks
session. Nicki stood next to Drake while he held Scarlett.
“Daddy look, dats pretty” she said pointing up
towards the lited sky.
“Very pretty” he said not paying attention to where
she was pointing but staring at Nicki who was focused on the firework display.
"This is the happiest I've seen my son" Sandi pointed out while watching the fireworks. "And I think it's because of your daughter because heaven know I don't like who he's with now"
"Really?" Mama Carol asked. Sandi shook her head.
"You must've raised her right because she's all he talks about"
"Thank you! It wasn't always easy but I taught her everything I know about life" Sandi nodded.
"That's all we as parents can do. The rest is up to them" Carol shook her head. "We have to keep in touch sometime"
"Definitely" she said smiling.
The fireworks display ended and Drake thanked everyone for coming out as the exited the park. Some of the men volunteered to
help him take the gifts back to his house.
“Thank you guys for helping me get all this stuff here” he said.
“No problem man” they all said dapping him and leaving. The girls left with Safaree and Nicki drove to his house by herself with the small gifts. Drake got Scarlett out the back seat and Nicki followed towing a few of her gifts. He opened her room door and Nicki was surprised to see that her whole room was like a real life castle now. Drake had the makers set it up while they were having her party.
“Wow this is amazing!” she exclaimed admiring the room.
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool”
“She’s going to love this Drake” she said placing the gifts in the corner of the room. “She’ll never want to leave this room now” she stated. Drake chuckled.
“I know right” He changed her clothes and took off her shoes while Nicki went to get the rest of the gifts from out of the car. Once he was done, he placed her in her new bed and covered her up. He knew she was tired from the days’ events and would sleep soundly because she didn’t even take a nap the whole day.
“Here’s the rest-“she said walking in forgetting that Scarlett was sleep. Drake took the gifts from her and placed them in a corner. “I have one more, where would you like him” she whispered picking up the puppy. Drake took the poodle from her and placed it by Scarlett’s bed on the floor.
“Thank you” he said walking out the room.
“You’re welcome” she said following him. They both walked downstairs. Nicki took her keys off the kitchen counter and proceeded to leave.
“Why are you leaving so soon?” he questioned.
“Because I have to get home before I run into someone that I don’t want to see”
“You don’t have to worry about her; she’s gone for the weekend. Please…just stay awhile” he pleaded. Nicki scrunched up her face. It was still early in the night and she had nothing else to do so she just gave into his wishes.
“I’ll stay a couple more minutes” she informed. He smiled wide.
She walked over to the couch and sat down. He followed and sat next to her with his head cocked all the way back and his feet up on the coffee table. He was tired from the days’ events. With his eyes closed he sighed. Nicki stared at him.
She walked over to the couch and sat down. He followed and sat next to her with his head cocked all the way back and his feet up on the coffee table. He was tired from the days’ events. With his eyes closed he sighed. Nicki stared at him.
“You did great today” she said turning towards him.
“Well, thank you” he said with his eyes still closed.
“I’m serious. You deserve a lot of credit for what you do”
“It’s all routine by now. A smile on my baby’s face is all I need” he said bringing his hand up to his head. Nicki got up from the couch.
“Are you leaving already?” he asked opening his eyes and sitting up. Nicki stood behind him.
“No, sit back” she demanded. He sat back and she began massaging at his shoulders. Drake cocked his head back in the same position as before and closed his eyes enjoying her massage. Her technique was working wonders.
“You’re really good at this” he admitted.
“Thank you” she said lustfully. Nicki kept working at his shoulders. A few minutes later she stopped and bent down to give him a kiss softly on the lips. Drake’s eyes shot open.
“Is that some new technique to help me relax” he asked.
“No” she replied.
“Was it an impulse?” he questioned.
“Sort of” she said blushing. Drake looked up and their eyes met.
Nicki bent down and gave him another kiss, this time more passionately than before. This caught Drake by surprise but he happily accepted it. He got up and turned around with his knees on the couch and lifted her quickly over it. He kissed her sensually as they both moved to the floor. He stared at her for a moment. Her brown eyes were glistening in the dark of the room. She stared back and placed her hand up to his face to caress it. He kissed all down her arm and felt her thighs. Her breath got hitched when he came close to her spot. She was tender to his touch and he knew it. He smirked at her and she closed her eyes enjoying the attention he was giving her. Their bodies were both begging for each other at this point. Drake knew that when he asked her previously if she missed him and she said no, she was lying and this was confirmation.
Nicki bent down and gave him another kiss, this time more passionately than before. This caught Drake by surprise but he happily accepted it. He got up and turned around with his knees on the couch and lifted her quickly over it. He kissed her sensually as they both moved to the floor. He stared at her for a moment. Her brown eyes were glistening in the dark of the room. She stared back and placed her hand up to his face to caress it. He kissed all down her arm and felt her thighs. Her breath got hitched when he came close to her spot. She was tender to his touch and he knew it. He smirked at her and she closed her eyes enjoying the attention he was giving her. Their bodies were both begging for each other at this point. Drake knew that when he asked her previously if she missed him and she said no, she was lying and this was confirmation.
“So you didn’t miss me, huh?” he asked sarcastically.
“I did but you have a girlfriend….I’m sorry this is wrong! I have to go!” she admitted getting up.
“No, please just stay.” He pleaded. Nicki looked into his eyes and began holding back the tears that were threatening to make their presence known. She dashed towards the door. Just as she was beginning to turn the knob, she felt his hands on top of hers. She couldn’t hold her frustration and anger any more. She let her tears fall. Drake sensed that she was holding back some emotions towards him but he wanted her to admit them to him. Still facing away from him she shook her head.
“Drake don’t do this to me, please. I’m already hurt and you’re making it worse” He turned her around to face him and wiped her tears.
“I never meant to hurt you. I thought that this is what you wanted…for us to be friends, that’s it!”
“That is what I wanted!”
“Then why did you just kiss me?” Nicki didn’t answer she stared off in the distance not making any eye contact with him. Drake knew that he wasn’t going to get an answer out of her that easily but he had to try so he asked again. “Nicki, why did you kiss me?”
“It was just a damn impulse, alright! Just let me go!” she snapped trying her hand at the door knob again.
“No!” he said blocking the door knob with his hand.
“Drake I don’t want to fight with you, so let me leave!”
“Then don’t! I want you to just say how you really feel”
“I hate you!”
“Wrong answer, try again” he said shaking his head.
“I can’t stand you!”
“Still wrong! Let me help you out with that” he said leaning in and planting a soft kiss on her lips. Nicki hesitated for a moment but she’d be lying if she said that wasn’t exactly what she wanted and needed from him. Drake gently picked her up by her thighs and walked over to the living room laying her body on the plush brown carpet.
He began nipping at her neck. A soft moan escaped from her lips as Drake reached for the bottom of her dress and raised it up exposing her smooth stomach. He began placing soft kisses all over it. He then took off his shirt and flung it on the floor. Nicki opened her eyes for a moment. His body was on point. She looked up at him and bit her bottom lip unintentionally. He looked at her and shook his head.
“Your something else, you know that” he whispered softly into her ear. Nicki’s body tingled from his voice. He began tugging at his belt buckle while giving her another passionate kiss on the lips. She moaned into his mouth. Nicki gripped his muscular arms and gave it a light squeeze. Just as things were getting heated, they both heard cries from upstairs. Drake pounded his fist into the floor in frustration before getting up and walking upstairs.
“Don’t move!” he instructed before going into Scarlett’s room to see what happened. Nicki laid on the floor hot and heavy. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed. They were so close to making love her body was almost weak from the anticipation.
Drake turned on the light in Scarlett’s bedroom and found her sitting up with tears in her eyes and the puppy now next to her. He figured that she just got scared of the puppy’s movement or she had a bad dream.
“What’s the matter princess” he asked sitting on her bed cradling her to his bare chest. Scarlett just kept her eyes closed from the light and snuggled into him whimpering. He sat there rocking her back to sleep. Ten minutes later Nicki got up from the floor and walked upstairs once her high was broken. She peeped into the room to see Drake putting her back to sleep.
“Is she ok” she whispered. He shook his head and looked down to see she was now fast asleep again. He laid her back in her bed. He picked up the puppy and placed him in his cage in the corner of her room. He then turned on her night light and closed the door.
“What happened?” Nicki asked.
“I don’t know but it looks like a bad dream” he whispered.
“Oh ok” she replied. Drake took her hand and led her to his bedroom and closed the door.
“Now where were we?” he asked walking up to her and kissing her. The kiss lost its steam and he knew that it wasn’t the same anymore. “That just ruined it didn’t it?” he asked looking into her eyes. She just shook her head. Drake trailed his hands around to her plump backside and gave it a light squeeze. She uttered a moan. He then untied her dress exposing her red wonder bra and thongs. He smiled and grabbed her hand. He led her to the bathroom and began filling the tub with water. Drake dropped his pants and gently picked her up placing her on the bathroom sink.
“Hmm?” he said kissing her collarbone.
“I can’t do this” she said shaking her head “This is wrong!” He hung his head and backed away leaving her on the bathroom counter top. She watched as he turned off the water and dropped his boxers on the floor. Nicki’s eyes grew wide.
“I just wanted to show you how much I still love you and how much I still care about you. I can tell that you feel the same way. Your actions say it all but you never really said it. I guess I was hoping that you’ll finally admit it to me. You can leave if you want to.” He said getting into the tub and sitting down in it with his eyes closed. He sighed.
There was a long silence. Nicki got down off the bathroom sink and walked over to him. She ran her hands along his arm that was placed on the side of the tub. Drake opened his eyes and looked at her. She kneeled down next to the tub and looked at him.
“Drake does she make you happy?” He pondered for a while.
“Do you still care about her?”
“Then I can’t get in the way of you guys’ relationship. I wouldn’t feel right if I did. Who knows maybe down the line she’ll eventually make you happy”
“You make me happy” he said caressing her face.
“I can’t tell that”
“What do you want me to do to make you see that?”
“I can’t tell you what to do. I can only tell you to do what’s best for you and Scarlett”
“So tell me how you feel”
“It doesn’t matter how I feel”
“Yes it does because you never let me know. It’s like you guard your emotions from me.” Nicki stayed silent. Drake lifted her head.
“Why, what?”
“Why do you hide your emotions from me?”
“Because I’m guarded OK?” she said getting annoyed. Drake sighed. He didn’t know what to say to make her believe him. They stayed silent for a few minutes, and then Drake turned to look at her.
“Well can you at least stay the night with me?” he asked.
“If that’s what you want, then of course I will” she said shrugging.
“Thank you” he replied. Nicki walked out of the bathroom and waited for Drake to finish. Drake got dressed in the bathroom and made his way out a few minutes later. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and went downstairs calling Erica. She picked up on the third ring.
"Hello" she answered.
"Erica there's no easy way to put this but we're through and don't call me ever again"
"What!? Drake-" He hung up the phone and went back upstairs. He opened the door to his bedroom and saw Nicki rubbing her arms. She looked at him and he stared at her.
"Hello" she answered.
"Erica there's no easy way to put this but we're through and don't call me ever again"
"What!? Drake-" He hung up the phone and went back upstairs. He opened the door to his bedroom and saw Nicki rubbing her arms. She looked at him and he stared at her.
“Can I have a t-shirt to sleep in sir?” she asked leaning her head to the side. Drake looked at her and smirked.
“Why don’t you sleep in what you got on now?”
“I can’t sleep like this, I’ll be cold”
“I’ll keep you warm”
“I’m sure you will but no”
“Ok then second dresser on the right” he instructed. Nicki got out a white tee and slipped it over her head.
"By the way I should tell you that I just broke up with Erica" Nicki scrunched up her face at him.
"Why?" Drake looked at her but didn't say anything. "I hope you didn't do that because of me" she said looking at him. He looked up at her.
"I did" he said getting in bed.
"Drake I told you should give the relationship a chance"
"I don't want to because the one I want to be with was standing in front of me the whole time" She sighed and snuggled up close to him under the covers.
"And who is that?" she asked knowingly. He smiled.
"You" She smiled.
"Are you sure about that?" she asked.
"I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life but this. Nicki I love you and I know it's gonna take some time for us to get back to where we once was but I'm willing to try. My daughter adores you just as much as I do. And she can be a tough cookie towards people sometimes." Nicki laughed. They both stared at each other and Drake kissed her on the lips. They broke away and didn't say anything for awhile. Then 20 minutes they heard loud knocking on the door.
"Your girlfriend is not happy" Nicki said looking at him.
"She's not my girlfriend anymore and I don't care if she's happy with my decision or not! I'll go handle it, you don't move." he said getting up and going downstairs to answer the door. Nicki rolled her eyes and got up anyway.
I worked very hard on this chapter and it took forever to come together so you guys better comment because I know everyone reading this has something to say! *sighs* Anyway, take a look a some of the stuff Scarlett wore and also her gifts and new bedroom. I'm officially jealous even tho this is fictional....'ion curr :'( LOL... Part 1 of the next chapter is already posted so comment and read on...
"By the way I should tell you that I just broke up with Erica" Nicki scrunched up her face at him.
"Why?" Drake looked at her but didn't say anything. "I hope you didn't do that because of me" she said looking at him. He looked up at her.
"I did" he said getting in bed.
"Drake I told you should give the relationship a chance"
"I don't want to because the one I want to be with was standing in front of me the whole time" She sighed and snuggled up close to him under the covers.
"And who is that?" she asked knowingly. He smiled.
"You" She smiled.
"Are you sure about that?" she asked.
"I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life but this. Nicki I love you and I know it's gonna take some time for us to get back to where we once was but I'm willing to try. My daughter adores you just as much as I do. And she can be a tough cookie towards people sometimes." Nicki laughed. They both stared at each other and Drake kissed her on the lips. They broke away and didn't say anything for awhile. Then 20 minutes they heard loud knocking on the door.
"Your girlfriend is not happy" Nicki said looking at him.
"She's not my girlfriend anymore and I don't care if she's happy with my decision or not! I'll go handle it, you don't move." he said getting up and going downstairs to answer the door. Nicki rolled her eyes and got up anyway.
I worked very hard on this chapter and it took forever to come together so you guys better comment because I know everyone reading this has something to say! *sighs* Anyway, take a look a some of the stuff Scarlett wore and also her gifts and new bedroom. I'm officially jealous even tho this is fictional....'ion curr :'( LOL... Part 1 of the next chapter is already posted so comment and read on...
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*Applauds you* You Did AMAZING. I Honestly Believe that you worked hard on this. I cant Tell. Drake Such an Amazing dad. Scarlett is soo Lucky to Have a dad like him. Nd That Must of been AKWARD when Nic Meet Scarlett's Maternal Familia. I could only imagine how Nicki Felt. Scarlett is so frekin adorable. And Im Glad Nic and drake's Madres get along. *Sighs* There sooo Perfect for eachother its not even Funny.
ReplyDeleteScarlett Got like the best gifts. Im Definitley jealous. Nd Her Princess room. Noy Fair!! ): But A Puppy.....Awwww :) Nicki is soo sweet.
I Love how she was soo In love with her gifts!
They Had me Laughin so hard with those Shower caps. There Soo Craazi, :p
But i totally understand! Gotta protect Thaa Hair.
I Knew somethin was gonna go down when Nic Was the last at drakes
House bringinq in The rest Of her presents. Awwww at her givinq him that Massage. Nd Eccccckk! She kissed himm. She Knows she wants him.
My Heart Smiled when they Kissed. It was just soo Cute!
I Loved How he wudnt let Her leave. Nic you gotta stop runnin from
Your Feelings. *Tearss* at Scarlett Cryin cause of her bad dream. Its otaay Scarlett. Nd i bet he was a little upset at her ruinin their little love making session.
I Was SHOCKED, when drake Just Dropped his Drawers Down to the Floo'. I bet
Nic wasnt Expectin that either. One Question Nic.. Was it Big :p Lmao Jk. But seriously im happy he broke up with Erica. But the way he did it so sad.
But They need to be together. In glad she stayed the night with him. It was Just Awww. This Chapter was Just Everything and More. Loved it. Good Jobb!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI can tell you worked hard on this chapter cuz this chapter is extremely long. So I guess your expecting a really long comment so let's see if I can give you one. Okay first of all I loved the beginning and looooooovvvveedd the idea of Erica not being at the party that was genius.I know nicki was extremely uncomfortable when Scarlett grandmother and them were there. And nicki and drake was totally flirting. The gifts OMG.! the GIFTS.!! Was amazing she's one lucky little girl. AND her ROOM.! I love it it's so cute like super cute. AND that little massage nicki gave drake then sneak in a kiss and then over and over again I knew she couldn't control herself. And I cant believe they were actually going to do the freaky and scarlett is just upstairs. Drake breaking up with Erica for nick shows how much he loves her and cares for her and I know just know that's Erica at the door and some shit bout to Down. Your a great writer and this was a great chapter :)
ReplyDeletelove. love. love. loved. this chapter, still mad Nic is being ode stubborn but, whatevs. The birthday party was really cute. Lmao @ Drake just walking downstairs and ending the relationship mad random. I just can't wait for Dricki to be all happy again ^_^. Thank you for the quality chapter.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I can see why it took you so long to write this because its rather complex. I love it. The outfits were on point. I loved that he brought her a piano. The dog mad cute too. Sandi and Carol's conversation was dope. DAMMM why my daddy aint rent out Disney World for my 3rd b-day. Im finna be 19 dam I'd take Disney World rite now if I could get it like this. Scarlet got a lot of gifts though. Her n Lil Tune is cute. Nae Nae n her fast lil self.
ReplyDeleteErica ass need to push all the way thee fuck ote nobody cares about you. Let Drake be he say yall done why you knocking all on the man door have some respect and decency for yourslef. Drake is so cool man. Like he the best FATHER ever. I loved this.
Keep up the good work. This spree has been amazing
OMGGGG I loved the party....damn this little 3 year old had a better party than I had at any of my birthday parties growing up lol =). aww all the family and fam came together, that was cute. I really feel like nicki the only girl that could possibly fit into his world and family. When i first read that erica couldn't make it to scarlett's party i was like "that selfish bish", but then i thought, that's great, now it could be just him, scarlett, and nicki. oh and lil tune and scarlett are sooo cute. IF erica was to touch nicki, i think i would literly jump out my chair and shake my computer, i couln't take it lol, i would wanna kill her.....but anywayyyy LOVED the story and the clif hanger.
ReplyDeleteI didnt even know u posted this chapter -_- NEhoe
ReplyDeleteAw Scarlett did not want to wake up, like she act like she had a job the way she was sleepy lol. Aw she Polo shirt sounds so cute. Aw she always be so happy to see her nana, its just so cute. Damn she got the whole park for her birthday, and she only 3 like damn. Oh so Nic finna meet Mama Sandi eh? I see u Drake lol. Bet she cute in her lil minnie outfit, but y Nic so nervous to get her dressed... thats finna be her stepdaughter lol. Aw poor Nicki feel awkward being around them =/
Scarlett and Lil Tune sure is starting to get real close, let me find out LOL. Drake a good ass dad, cuz any other man would have found one of his lady friends to take her to the restroom *claps* good job Drake. Aw Minnie cute lol got Scarlett extra happy =) Aw my lil pooh is scared of the Peter pan ride =( Yo Tyesha is MAD RATCHET lol she deadass got shower caps for all of them to wear in her purse lmao i am cryin!
Aw she dressed like Belle, how cute and got a customized tiara too =) CUTE. Her gifts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like damn she got all the good stuff. Aw the end of the firework show where the moms were talking >>>>>>>>> so cute.
Aw Scarlett going to wake up extra hype when she see her room. Shit Erica bet not come home while Nic there y Drake trying to get all fresh wit Nic Nshit. =O Nic made the first move, i cant believe it. Dang it they were so freaking close but the damn dog or bad dream had to wake Scarlett up -_- DAMN like Drake deadass just told her they over and dont call him again, so cut throat with it and hung up in her face. Oop Erica at the door =O its bout to be some drama.
The pictures of her gifts and outfits was CUTE!
First off thank you for this long chapter.
ReplyDeleteScarlett birthday was everything! All her liddo outfits & I just love how every single time Lil Tune is around, they hold hands lol they're too cute. I was mad at Nic b/c she knows that she still loves that man. Drake should've been broke up with Erica but for whatever reason he stayed with her. Smh I so thought they were gonna finally get it in but Scarlett's bad dream stopped that. Then he took her to the bathroom & dropped his boxers O_O .... Yeah... I would've hopped on him but what Nicki did was right & I respect her decision. Now this heifer is at the door for whatever reason. She bet not start nothin -_- AMAZING chapter! •goes to read the next• ^_^
Ah I'm so sorry I couldn't comment earlier. But finally I have the time to leave a long comment for this long and AMAZING chapter! You don't even know how much I loved this chap, it was everything and then some. First of awwwwl, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby Scarlett! The liddle princess turned 3!!! Ayyeeee, lol and her daddy made sure that she feels like the most special girl in the world on her birthday! All of her outfits were so adorable! Aubreyyy, he is definitely the best dad in the worlddd. He bought the whole Disney World for his daughter, that is incredible. The way he gets happy when he sees Nicki tho >>>>> it's too cute. And smh at the fact that Erica wasn't there. Not like I wanted her to be there but she claimed to be his girlfriend, yet that heaux was out somewhere else -____- But anyway, thank the lawd she wasn't there cause Drake was too busy with Nicki and Scarlett, the two people he actually loves by his side ^_^
ReplyDeleteNic met Mama Graham!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh I love their relationship in real life and I think Mama G is just the cutest little thing in this world! Lol @ how she said Drake always talks about Nic, ha..someone's sprung :p And when Scarlett's mom's parents came... I felt awkward for Nic! Like it was emotional but for her it must be weird just standing there. But Drake makes everything better :D And OMGGGG, yo Scarlett and Lil Tune are adorable holding hands like that!!! I could actually see them doing that lmaoo too cute. The birthday party was BOMB. Scarlett probably won't even remember this lmao but all the presents she got were A+++. Lil lady is a boss!
Now coming to my favorite part.... Finally, they talked about it!!!! And tbh Nicki just needed to admit that she still loves him. When she was massaging him, I knew somehting will happen between them. But I was surprised when Nic kissed him, knowing her stubborn ass would never. And then she tried to cover it up by sayin it was an impulse -_- Lies. She knows she loved him! I loved their whole conversation, it was like I was standing in front of them as they argued. And I was glad Scarlett interuppted, I didn't want them to do anything before he broke up with that heaux. But my babies are so precious! I loved this, *goes to comment on the next one* <3